
Latest news

12 new Autism Ambassadors trained in March 2025

Welcome to another 12 Autism Ambassadors (some pictured below) trained in Havant on 17 March 2025

26 new Autism Ambassador trained in February/March 2025

Welcome to another 26 Autism Ambassadors (some pictured below) trained, across two sessions online on 28 February and 7 March 2025

Another 15 Autism Ambassadors trained in October 2024

Welcome to another 15 new Autism Ambassadors (some pictured below) who were trained online on 25 and 30 October 2024.

15 new Autism Ambassadors trained in September 2024

Welcome to 15 new Autism Ambassadors (some pictured below) who were trained in Basingstoke on 12 September 2024.

14 Autism Ambassadors trained online in July 2024

Welcome to 14 new Autism Ambassadors (some pictured below) who were trained online on 5 and 15 July 2024.

13 Autism Ambassadors trained in June 2024

Welcome to 13 new Autism Ambassadors (some pictured below) who were trained in Romsey on 6 June 2024. Many thanks to Speaking Space (Romsey) Ltd for providing us with an excellent venue.

21 new Autism Ambassadors trained in April & May 2024

Welcome to another 21 newly appointed Autism Ambassadors (some pictured below) trained online on 24 April and 2 May 2024.

11 more Autism Ambassadors trained in March 2024

A warm welcome to 11 newly appointed Autism Ambassadors (some pictured below) trained in Fareham on 7 March 2024.

This takes the total number of Ambassadors trained past the 1200 mark!

19 new Autism Ambassadors trained in January 2024

Welcome to 19 newly appointed Autism Ambassadors (some pictured below) trained online at our first sessions of 2024 held on 24 and 31 January.

22 new Autism Ambassadors trained in September 2023

Welcome to 22 newly appointed Autism Ambassadors trained online on 20 & 28 September.

13 Autism Ambassadors trained in July 2023

Welcome to 13 Autism Ambassadors trained on 4 July 2023 in Fareham, at our first face-to-face session since early 2020.

29 Autism Ambassadors trained in April 2023

Welcome to 29 more Autism Ambassadors (some pictured below) trained on 18 and 25 April 2023.

21 Autism Ambassadors trained at our first sessions of 2023

We welcome another 21 Autism Ambassadors (some pictured below) trained online on 8 and 15 February 2023.

18 Autism Ambassadors appointed at our final sessions of 2022

A warm welcome to another 19 Autism Ambassadors (some pictured below) trained online on 9 and 14 November 2022

And another 14 Autism Ambassadors join the team

Welcome to 14 newly trained Autism Ambassadors (some pictured below) trained online on 16 and 23 September 2022.

14 more Autism Ambassadors appointed

Welcome to yet more Autism Ambassadors (some pictured below) trained online on 22 June and 5 July 2022.

Another 18 Autism Ambassadors appointed

Great to welcome another 18 Ambassadors (some pictured below) trained online on 6 and 13 May 2022.

Our 1000th Autism Ambassador appointed

Welcome to another 28 Autism Ambassadors (some pictured below) trained online on 24th and 31st March 2022.

We were delighted to welcome our 1000th Ambassador on this course - Emma Goddard from Clanfield Junior School.

Another 26 Autism Ambassadors trained during our first sessions of 2022

A warm welcome to another 26 new Autism Ambassadors (some pictured below) trained online on 4 and 11 February 2022.

A further 16 Autism Ambassadors trained in November 2021

We are please to welcome a further 16 new Autism Ambassadors (some pictured below) trained online on 19 and 26 November 2021.

We have been delighted to train a total of 86 Autism Ambassadors during 2021

33 Ambassadors appointed in October

Welcome to 13 newly-appointed Autism Ambassadors (some pictured below) trained online on 22 and 28 October 2021.

Welcome to 20 newly-appointed Autism Ambassadors (some pictured below) trained online on 1 and 8 October 2021.

Another group of Ambassadors appointed in May

Welcome to 9 newly-appointed Autism Ambassadors (some pictured below) who completed two online sessions during May 2021.

More Autism Ambassadors appointed in March

We're delighted to report that a further 16 Autism Ambassadors have completed their online training and were appointed during March 2021.

First online sessions for 2021 completed

Welcome to 12 newly-appointed Autism Ambassadors who completed two online sessions during February 2021.

Online training resumes with 19 Autism Ambassadors appointed

After a break in our training programme due to Covid-19, we are please to report that 19 Autism Ambassadors were trained at our first pair of online sessions on 27 October and 3 November 2020.

More Autism Ambassadors trained in Fleet

13 Autism Ambassadors were trained at our training day in Fleet on 27 February 2020.

Autism Ambassador Scheme finalist in national award

We were delighted to be one of three projects shortlisted for the National Autistic Society's prestigious Autism Professionals Awards, in the ‘Most Creative Community Project’ category.

The annual awards recognise people, services and schools across the UK who are making a difference to autistic people and their families. We were represented at the special ceremony on 27 February at Birmingham Town Hall. Unfortunately we did not win the award on this occasion but can be very proud of the fact that we were in the top three.

The Autism Ambassador Scheme was shortlisted by an independent panel of autism specialists, who were looking for high standards of innovation, creativity, impact and sustainability. By celebrating their achievements, the National Autistic Society hopes to increase public understanding of autism and inspire other people and organisations to make a difference too. There were13 awards for individuals and organisations, covering education, health, social care, employment, and volunteering.

We are particularly proud of the way our small team – a mix of professionals, charities and volunteers from our four local authorities (Hampshire, Portsmouth, Southampton and the Isle of Wight), Autism Hampshire, South Hampshire Branch of the National Autistic Society and Hampshire Autism Voice – work together to deliver this Scheme – an example of partnership-working at its best.

In less than 5 years, our Scheme has made a tremendous difference to the understanding of autism in our area. Our Autism Ambassadors are increasing in number all the time and we expect another 200 local people to volunteer for the Scheme this year, to add to the 845 already appointed.

This nomination was recognition of the great work that our Ambassadors are doing across our region. Well done everyone!

First Autism Ambassadors of 2020 trained in Winchester

17 Autism Ambassadors were trained at our training day in Winchester on 13 January 2020.

Our Ambassadors trained during 2019

Autism Ambassador 2019 Conference

Our 2019 conference took place on 10th June at Chandlers Ford Methodist Church and 155 Ambassadors attended.

For further details go to our Annual Conference page.

Our Ambassadors trained during 2018

Autism Ambassador Conference 2018

Over 100 Ambassadors attended our 2018 Autism Ambassador conference on 26th June at Hampshire County Council in Winchester.

For further details go to our Annual Conference page.

Our Ambassadors trained during 2017

Our Ambassadors trained during 2016

Autism Ambassador Scheme launched in 2015

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