Welcome to the Autism Ambassador Scheme

The Autism Ambassador Scheme for Hampshire, Portsmouth, Southampton and Isle of Wight was launched in May 2015 in line with the Department of Health recommendations in the Think Autism strategy.

Enabling autistic people to have a voice

Autism Ambassadors are spreading the understanding of autism to work and community colleagues, family and friends. Thousands of people, who previously knew little about autism, now better understand and support the needs of local autistic people, enabling them to have a voice. Ambassadors identify and influence adjustments to work processes and practices, the environment (at work and in the community), and support and recognise how people engage and communicate.

The enthusiastic Ambassadors, many of whom meet up at their annual conference to network and learn more about autism, come from health and social care, emergency services, medical centres, leisure facilities, local charities, community groups, shops, job centres, citizens advice, youth organisations, libraries, local businesses, legal services, housing associations and more. There are also Ambassadors in many local schools and colleges. A number of Ambassadors are autistic themselves or are family members of an autistic person.

There are around 700,000 autistic adults and children in the UK. Many autistic people need extra time to process information, like questions or instructions, feel intense anxiety in social or unexpected situations, and find noise and bright lights painful and distressing.

Every autistic person is different and will have their own strengths and challenges. Some autistic people might need 24-hour care; others may need clearer communication or a little longer to do things at school or work. Without the right support or understanding, autistic people can miss out on an education, struggle to find work and become extremely isolated.

Welcome to 12 newly appointed Autism Ambassadors trained in Havant on 17 March 2025 (some pictured below). See more of our Ambassadors on the News page!

Latest news

Training sessions - further dates soon to be announced

See the Training page for further details and contact us to book.

1308 Autism Ambassadors now appointed since March 2015

New Hampshire Autism Strategy launched

Click here to find out more...

Autism Ambassador 2024 Conference

The 2024 Conference took place in Winchester on Thursday 14 November.

For further details go to the Conferences page.

An Autism Ambassador in every GP Surgery?

We are offering Autism Ambassador training sessions for any member of GP surgery staff. We welcome any applications for our next general training sessions. Please contact us for a booking form.

An Autism Ambassador in every school in Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth?

We now have over 180 Ambassadors in schools across the region. If you are involved in a school in our region and would like to be added to a mailing list for future training sessions, contact us.

For appointed Autism Ambassadors only:

Link to our closed Facebook group.

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